Balasahitya-Towards Creativity & Self-Expression


Towards Creativity and Self-Expression

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Children

Every child is a lover of interesting narrative, a hero-worshipper and a patriot. Appeal to these qualities in him and through them let him master without knowing it the living and human parts of his nation’s history. -Sri Aurobindo

Every child is an inquirer, an investigator, analyser, a merciless anatomist. Appeal to these qualities in him and let him acquire without knowing it the right temper and the necessary fundamental knowledge of the scientist.  – Sri Aurobindo

Every child has an insatiable intellectual curiosity and turn for metaphysical enquiry. Use it to draw him on slowly to an understanding of the world and himself.  -Sri Aurobindo

Every child has the gift of imitation and a touch of imaginative power. Use it to give him the groundwork of the faculty of the artist.  -Sri Aurobindo

Many of our children are in a crude state and literature can help to give their minds some shape, some suppleness. In order to learn you must read very carefully and choose with care what you read.  -The Mother

Literature can serve as a sort of gymnastics and stir up and awaken the young intelligence.  -The Mother

My children, I have to tell you to begin with that this is “literature”……One must have the taste for forms, for a beautiful way of saying things, a little exceptional, not too banal; but it is just one way, it’s a way of saying things which is charming. Literature exists completely in the way of saying things.  -The Mother

Childhood is the symbol of the future and the hope of all victories to come.  -The Mother

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