Balasahitya-Towards Creativity & Self-Expression


Towards Creativity and Self-Expression

About the Project

Childhood is the symbol of the future and the hope of all

victories to come.  -The Mother

Children’s literature is unique in that it uses imagination and storytelling to captivate and educate young readers. Children’s literature is created with their various phases of cognitive, emotional, and social development in mind. It provides children with an intelligible and familiar introduction to novel concepts, feelings, and experiences.

According to Sri Aurobindo ‘Every child is a lover of interesting narrative, a hero worshipper and a patriot.’ Hence, good children’s literature resonates emotionally with young readers, helping them navigate complex feelings and understand their own emotions.

Balasahitya, an initiative of AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society specially designed for the promotion of Children’s Literature including stories, songs, fiction, poetry, fairy tales and novels etc. This portal will include creative storylines and striking visuals that inspire original thought and creativity.

Additionally, language learning and literacy advancement will be highlighted. Through digital media, this site will teach kids about a variety of cultures, customs, and viewpoints. Furthermore, it will emphasize a holistic strategy for developing young brains, as well as forging a lifetime love of reading, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Advice & Support:

Shri Vijay Poddar, Member Executive-Admn. & Finance, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry

Concept Development & Research:

Dr. Kishor Kumar Tripathy, Member Secretary,  AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society, Society House, No.11, St Martin St, Puducherry, 605001, India

Research, Co-ordination & Programs:

Mrs. Charu Tripathy, Associate Director, AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society, Society House, No.11, St Martin St, Puducherry, 605001, India


Shri Divyanhu Ghosh, IT Assistant, Sri Aurobindo Society; Shri Surendhar S, Volunteer, Sri Aurobindo Society

Graphic Design:

Ms. Shruti Ramteke, Media Manager,  Shri Bharat, Media Unit, Sri Aurobindo Society

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