A Parent's Companion - Compiled From The Writings Of The Mother And Sri Aurobindo
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A Parent’s Companion, this selection from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo is a parent’s mini-guide to raising children, while also touching on a variety of allied topics. A complementary volume to A Student’s Companion, which encouraged students to discover their true aim in life by growing the spirit within, this volume rests on the premise that parents must act in accordance with a high ideal so that their child grows to reflect this ideal in himself.
The passages touch upon topics preparatory to the arrival of the child, followed by those that exhort the importance of a parent being a living example to one’s child. The next two chapters form the bulk of the volume, dealing with an integral child-rearing and what a conscious family life is all about. The final chapter rounds out the work with passages on what the higher life is according to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.