Balasahitya-Towards Creativity & Self-Expression


Towards Creativity and Self-Expression

இலட்சியக் குழந்தை (Ideal Child)

Author: *************

இலட்சியக் குழந்தை (Ideal Child) is a compilation of some very simple and practical writings of The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry is a soft cover book of 32 pages. on what an Ideal Child should aspire to be. We hope this recently published little booklet offered by AuroPublications will reach every child, every parent and teacher and thereby help to build a world of Truth, Goodness.

‘Childhood is the symbol
of the future and
the hope of all the victories to come.’

What is the nature of an Ideal Child, or who is an Ideal Child who can create a new world of the future governed by truth, beauty, goodness and harmony?
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